Friday, October 31, 2008

crab shack madness...

I must have seen this commercial a billion times… I have never noticed up until this fine evening that this spot is kinda dirty.

If you watch you can see this guy feel this girl up while he busts up some crab legs for her with his hands, as if that wasn’t strange enough. They layer it in subtly; check out the end shot with the two greasy handprints on the boob part of the bib.

So yeah check it out:

so silly...

i think this is very very funny :)

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Awesome cups!

Ok so I have taken with me an unused “urine collection container” cup in the past. That time it was a wax coated paper cup, I have kept it for years, it was too hilarious to get rid of.

So imagine my excitement when getting blood drawn at quest discovering their bathroom had a huge stack of them and this time they were plastic!!

Of course me being me I could not take the WHOLE stack, but I snagged a small stack for my party.

Very silly and yet another small thing in life that makes me happy!!

Thanks to Janine White for actually taking a photo of one…

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

#55= awesome!

this is one of the coolest video projects i have ever seen...

What's not to love about A. Vitalic and B. flying dogs C. slow motion.

Lé sigh!!

fogged over

Ok. I admit that I am fully obsessed with Halloween and all things related to my most favorite-est holiday.

Really people this IS my Christmas. If I didn’t think it would do some
un-repairable damage to my future children I would choose to celebrate this as our main holiday.

That being said I have really wanted to step up the party atmosphere this year at the second annual spook-tacular this year.

Here it is:

The ultimate party festivising invention the Bubble fogger!!
Weeeeeee haw!!!

Don’t be fooled by the $79.99 price tag at the local Halloween pop up shop. Go to Target or Great land as it goes by in my parts, how could you not love a store called GREAT LAND??

I digress since this post is not about target.

Target price tag: 39.00 awesome!

And I joke… as the market crashes and I loose my house I will be sitting in my empty living room with my bubble fogger.

So very unnecessary but totally cool!!!

Where for art thou Caramel Apple Candy Corn?

Day 14 in the search for Milk Maid Caramel Apple Candy Corn continues…

I was told about said candy by a co-worker.

Who also is helping me on the journey to candy nirvana.

The perfect party candy—like last year’s Candy corn flavored heresy kisses that were so hard to find I contemplated selling my much coveted bag on eBay.

We have secured a 2-bag bounty of caramel flavored candy corn but some how I know the quest for the caramel apple kind needs to live on.

I must to taste the bitter/sour apple goodness for my self!